
Zero uses a JWT-based flow to authenticate connections to zero-cache.


During login:

  1. Your API server creates a JWT and sends it to your client.
  2. Your client constructs a Zero instance with this token by passing it to the auth option.
const zero = new Zero({
  auth: token, // your JWT
  userID, // this must match the `sub` field from `token`


For zero-cache to be able to verify the JWT, one of the following environment variables needs to be set:

  1. ZERO_AUTH_SECRET - If your API server uses a symmetric key (secret) to create JWTs then this is that same key.
  2. ZERO_AUTH_JWK - If your API server uses a private key to create JWTs then this is the corresponding public key, in JWK format.
  3. ZERO_AUTH_JWKS_URL - Many auth providers host the public keys used to verify the JWTs they create at a public URL. If you use a provider that does this, or you publish your own keys publicly, set this to that URL.


The auth parameter to Zero can also be a function:

const zero = new Zero({
  auth: async () => {
    const token = await fetchNewToken();
    return token;

In this case, Zero will call this function to get a new JWT if verification fails.


Any data placed into your JWT (claims) can be used by permission rules on the backend.

const isAdminRule =
  (decodedJWT, {cmp}) => cmp(decodedJWT.role, '=', 'admin');

See the permissions section for more details.


See zbugs or hello-zero.